Virtual Nature Therapy for Lawyer Well-Being: Results of a Voluntary Study

Cultured Forest conducted a study looking at the benefits of Virtual Nature Therapy inspired by Shrin-Yoku for Lawyer Well-Being.

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Mindful Walking Tips For Practicing Forest Bathing in New York City

The Japanese practice of Shinrin-yoku or “Forest Bathing” has been seeing a lot of attention in the press lately. Even the Cleveland Clinic, a reputable medical hospital recently published an article called, “Why Forest Therapy Can Be Good For Your Body and Mind”. It discusses how Forest Therapy can lower the stress hormone cortisol as well as blood pressure. Many of these health benefits come from mindfully spending time in nature. We all know deep down we feel better when we spend time outdoors. So why is it so difficult to prioritize taking a walk in nature? For New Yorkers who live a busy lifestyle, it can be hard to access nature trails, let alone make time to be mindful. So here are a few tips for ways that Urban City Dwellers can access the health benefits of Forest Bathing in the City.

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